For over 15 years, pastors & leadership teams of existing churches have been asking the Underground if we provide specialized support for churches shifting toward functioning as missional hubs.
And for 15 years we’ve been saying “no” - as Jesus has been asking us to stay focused on our local network and on movement planters.
But after walking in relationship & collaboration with so many churches over the last decade, we have a growing conviction that we do have the ability and the capacity to provide that support, and that Jesus wants us to.
So we’ve decided to launch Underground Shift - a specialized initiative to support existing churches for Kingdom innovation.
We’ve discovered over time that existing church leaders & teams need 4 things:
We need learning environments to shift paradigms & discover new principals.
We need Peers on the journey, a shared fellowship & collaboration of practitioners.
We need space to expand our imagination real & diverse examples to explore.
We need tools to facilitate building concrete actions & strategy with feedback & help.

Want to Shift?
Let us help Reimagine, Rethink, Rebuild, & Reconnect on the brave road of Kingdom innovation toward an anti-fragile & future-ready church.