At the UNDERGROUND, our mission is to…
INSPIRE people to surrender all their lives to Jesus and His cause.
CONNECT individuals into missional communities.
EMPOWER communities to discover and obey their God-given mission.
ENGAGE every kind of evil in our city with prayerful action.

In the summer of 2006, about 50 of us left our traditional churches to form seven house-based church groups. We loved the Western church, but hoped for more than Sunday morning worship and middle-class Christianity.
Who We Are
Theologically, we are orthodox and evangelical. Being an independent church plant (not coming from any denomination) we are anchored by the ancient and historical creeds of the church. The first and simplest creed: Jesus is Lord. We seek to place Jesus Christ as the head of this church, and to establish and submit to his supremacy in all things.
We acknowledge both the historical significance and the prophetic call of the Lausanne Covenant (1974), agreeing with it completely, and the reaffirmations of the Manila Manifesto (1989). These creedal/confessional documents serve to anchor our theological commitments while also expressing our missional and evangelical convictions. We stand to be both challenged and guided by these core expressions of theological commitment as we try to grow and mature into the church that God has destined us to be.
Our passion is for the poor and the lost. We empower communities to reach and serve the people who exist at the margins of the church as we know it. We believe that intimacy with God and commitment to His mission means prioritizing both those in poverty and those without knowledge of His saving grace. We also believe that discipleship of believers happens best and most significantly while obeying Jesus and following Him through mission — therefore, we empower believers to seek the heart of God in prayer to know their unique calling, and to find a community where they can truly live it out. We then work to mobilize communities to meet the needs of the world around us, and to proclaim the good news of the kingdom.
Instead of a single corporate vision, we have eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network.
These values include Jesus, The Poor, The Lost, The Whole World, Empowerment, Kingdom Mission, Microchurches, Simplicity, Culture + Ethnicity, Biblical Justice, Each Other, Contextualization, Humility, Passion, Zeal + Contemplation, The Bible, Sharing + Giving, and Prayer + Dependence. To learn more about our manifesto, click here.
Tomy Wilkerson
Executive Director
Stacy Gaskins
Executive Director
Sheri Lee
Media Director
Hannah Devine
Finance Support
Dafne Reyes-Collazo
Support Staff
Ana Stephens
Media Support
Sam Lee
Campus Ministry Director
Kristen Ahlberg
Finance Director
Lucas Pulley
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Bill Couchenour | Chair
Brianna Wilkerson | Treasurer
Dr. Marcie Radke, MD
Brian Sanders
Wes Binder
Sammy Ortiz
Jim Davey
Essence Hepburn
Tomy Wilkerson
Governing Elders
Bill Couchenour
Stacy Gaskins
Jessica Stephens
Ray Twetan
Stacy Twetan
Not sure where to start?
We’d love to help you discern next steps in whatever it is God has called you to.